This is the FQL playground. But you can use FQL everywhere in Simplifier and Firely Terminal. You can use it to create tables in your own documentation and implementation guides.
Read the documentation here.
With FQL you can:
name | type | kind | url |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
A concept map relevant to interpret this value set | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
A consequence of the Condition | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
A details procedure progress | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ABC | IDE | SYL | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Acession Number | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ActivityDefinition | ActivityDefinition | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Additional confidentiality codes | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Additional text for the summary presentation | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Address | Address | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Age | Age | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Agent that ordered the communication. | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Alias | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Allele frequency | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Allowed profile for reference | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Alternative names | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Amino Acid Change Type | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
An additional example value | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
An allowable parameter combination | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Annotation | Annotation | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Appearance order for user selection | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Appointment | Appointment | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Are styles important for processing? | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Associated Encounter | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
At least this many characters | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Attachment | Attachment | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Authorization Service | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
BackboneElement | BackboneElement | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
base64Binary | base64Binary | primitive-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Binary | Binary | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
BodySite | BodySite | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
buildingNumberSuffix | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
CapabilityStatement | CapabilityStatement | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
careOf | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
CareTeam | CareTeam | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Causes for this Condition | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Change in dosing rate per interval | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ClaimResponse | ClaimResponse | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Clinical Document Profile for Composition | Composition | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Clinical Management Description | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ClinicalImpression | ClinicalImpression | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
code for string | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Code system not defined in a value set | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
CodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
CodeSystem | CodeSystem | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Comment about the use of this code in this context | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Comments about response | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
CommunicationRequest | CommunicationRequest | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Comparison value for ordinal codes | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
CompartmentDefinition | CompartmentDefinition | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Computable Consent Language | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Condition | Condition | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Conformance expectation | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ContactDetail | ContactDetail | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Contains Study | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Contract | Contract | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Copy number variation | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Coverage | Coverage | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
DataElement | DataElement | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
DataRequirement | DataRequirement | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Date(/time) of first exposure to Substance | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
decimal | decimal | primitive-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
delimiter | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
deliveryInstallationArea | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
deliveryInstallationType | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
deliveryModeIdentifier | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Descriptors and key terms for search | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Device | Device | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
DeviceComponent | DeviceComponent | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
DeviceUseRequest | DeviceUseRequest | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
DiagnosticReport | DiagnosticReport | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
DiagnosticRequest | DiagnosticRequest | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
direction | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
DNA region name | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
DNA sequence variant type | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
DocumentReference | DocumentReference | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Don't display to user | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
DosageInstruction | DosageInstruction | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
E.g. "(a)", "1.", etc. | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
E.g. "(a)", "1.", etc. | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Element | Element | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
EligibilityRequest | EligibilityRequest | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Email is a "direct" email | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Encrypted state | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
EnrollmentRequest | EnrollmentRequest | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
EpisodeOfCare | EpisodeOfCare | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Event | logical | | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Example Lipid Profile | Observation | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Example Lipid Profile | DiagnosticReport | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ExpansionProfile | ExpansionProfile | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Explanation for cancellation | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Exposure risk of adverse reaction (allergy or intolerance) to the specified substance/product | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
External Identifier associated with this element | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Extra warning about the correct use of the value set | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Family member history for genetics analysis | FamilyMemberHistory | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
FamilyMemberHistory | FamilyMemberHistory | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
FHIR Path version of error location | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Filter to apply when looking up references | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
FMM Level | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Focal Subject | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Genetic markers, ethnicity, etc. | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
glstring | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Goals related to this Goal | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
GuidanceResponse | GuidanceResponse | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
HealthcareService | HealthcareService | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
HGVS nomenclature for observed Amino Acid Change | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Hinting information for the narrative generator | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
houseNumber | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
How likely this resource is to be a match | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
How to mail contact | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
HTTP header returned by the interaction | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Human-specified notes and other documentation | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
id | id | primitive-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
If code is case sensitive | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ImagingManifest | ImagingManifest | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Immunization | Immunization | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ImplementationGuide | ImplementationGuide | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Indicates the state of development of the value set | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Indicator of primary specialty | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
instant | instant | primitive-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Is code the DEC for the data element? | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Label for activity | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Last review date for the resource | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Library | Library | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Linkage | Linkage | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
List | List | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Location Performed | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Map linking questions to DataElements | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Map to artifacts that can be populated from this Questionnaire | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Mark a warning invariant as 'best practice' | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Max size in MB | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Maximum repetitions | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Measure | Measure | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Media | Media | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
MedicationAdministration | MedicationAdministration | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
MedicationRequest | MedicationRequest | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
MessageDefinition | MessageDefinition | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Meta | Meta | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Minimum repetitions | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Money | Money | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Mother(s) & Father(s) - genetic & other | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Must be <= this value | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Name of allele | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Narrative | Narrative | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Nationality | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
NI | OTH | NINF | PINF | UNK | ASKU | NAV | NASK | TRC | MSK | NA | QS | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Number of refills allowed | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Numerical value associated with the code | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Object Class | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Observation | Observation | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Observations that confirm or refute | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
OperationDefinition | OperationDefinition | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Option is exclusive | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Organization responsible for registry | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Owing Work Group | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ParameterDefinition | ParameterDefinition | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Part of this activity | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
PaymentNotice | PaymentNotice | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Period | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Permitted values | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Pertains to goal | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Place of Birth for patient | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Pointer to document related to data element | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Portion derived from person's partner's surname | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Portion of family name derived from mother | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Post-mortem donor status | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Potential impact of the condition | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
PractitionerRole | PractitionerRole | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
precinct | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Preferred Contact | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Primary Diagnosis of this encounter (priority order - 1 = highest) | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Procedure | Procedure | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ProcessRequest | ProcessRequest | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Profile for HLA Genotyping Results | DiagnosticReport | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Provenance | Provenance | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Purpose of the family member history | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Quantity | Quantity | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Questionnaire to be ordered | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
QuestionnaireResponse | QuestionnaireResponse | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Ratio | Ratio | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Reason referral was refused | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Reference to a contra-indication that is the basis for this error | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Reference to a trusted expansion | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Reference to where the rule is defined | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Regex applies to the value | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
RelatedArtifact | RelatedArtifact | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Request | logical | | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
RequestGroup | RequestGroup | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ResearchSubject | ResearchSubject | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Resource with details for flag | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
RiskAssessment | RiskAssessment | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Schedule | Schedule | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Sequence | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ServiceDefinition | ServiceDefinition | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Shareable ValueSet | ValueSet | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Signature | Signature | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Slot | Slot | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
SOP Instance UID value | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Special handling of the specimen | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
specifiy namespace other than | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Standard Deviation (same units as the quantity) | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
streetAddressLine | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
streetNameBase | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
string | string | primitive-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
String equivalent with markdown | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
StructureDefinition this is derived from | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Study Protocol Identifier | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Substance | Substance | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
SupplyRequest | SupplyRequest | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Target anatomic location or structure | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
targetBodySite | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Template Status Code (more authoring statuses) | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
TestScript | TestScript | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The absolute geographic location | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The adoption status of the patient | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The body position during the observation | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The distance this resource is from a provided location (geocode point) | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The expansion is incomplete (because post-coordination) | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The first incision time | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The items the orderer requested | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The length of time for radiation exposure | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The maximum amount of fluid to infuse | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The method of arrival of the patient into the facility | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The minimum quantity of substance per period | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The patient's professed religious affiliations | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The platform, methodology and software applied at the time of the genotyping | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The reason the order was rejected | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The requested access point or points used for this procedure | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The sequence number of the sample | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The Species of the Service Animal | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The target rate for the infusion | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
The underlying FHIR data type | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Time interval for medication administration | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Time of treatment | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Timing | Timing | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Type of attachment | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
UIDs of SOP classes referred to | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
unitID | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
unitType | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Urgency for collection | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Url of Value set the code was chosen from | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
US Core ethnicity Extension | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
UsageContext | UsageContext | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
User or Org actually involved in creating the value set content | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
uuid | uuid | primitive-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
ValueSet definition used to generate this expansion (logical URL) | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
VisionPrescription | VisionPrescription | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Vital Signs Profile | Observation | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Vital Signs Profile | Observation | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Vital Signs Profile | Observation | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Vital Signs Profile | Observation | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Vital Signs Profile | Observation | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Vital Signs Profile | Observation | resource | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Voorvoegsel derived from person's own surname | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
What has happened over time | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
What should be displayed to human (if default is not appropriate) | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
When (or if) the family member's condition resolved | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
When resource approved by publisher | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
When the value set version becomes Active and is available for use | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
When the value set version should no longer be used | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Where did this content come from | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Where to find code system | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Whether the concept has been deprecated | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Whether the patient needs an interpreter | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Who has used and how? | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Who ordered the initial medication(s) | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Who submitted data element to registry | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Why response was created | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
Why the recipient could not be act upon the request | Extension | complex-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
xhtml | xhtml | primitive-type | |
Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. | Data visible with license. |
XML (Schema) type of attribute for RDF | Extension | complex-type | |